Today on my mind

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Sacramento, California, United States

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  In The Living Years

In the living years we should take the time
To say the things that’s on our mind
But to wait until death is so routine
Because that’s easier or so it seems
But every now and again we remember a time
And have that loved one on our mind
And out of guilt we drop some tears
And wish it was said in the living years.


  1. I just love this message, I just lost my
    God-Father. I wish I would have said more and spent more time.

  2. this message is why I tell the one I love how much I love her everyday,because when leave this life and if it's before her I want her to know I loved her very much, with everything within myself, because tomorrow is not promised.

  3. Thank you, very well said. Pass the message on.

  4. Hello sister. In these living years you have always been missing from our lives. We often think of you and wonder why in these living years you never wanted any family ties. We never met our niece, nor has she ever met us. I just pray that in these living years she gets to know us before we turn to dust. So let me just say today, that in these living years we are here wondering why you never wanted to be near.
    It's never to late
    We love you
