Today on my mind

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Sacramento, California, United States

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Family Tree

There's nothing more precious
than family to me
but the branches are broken
on my family tree
rumors, nosiness and the
gossiping voice
leaves me with only
one choice
to plant and
grow my own tree
and pray this family
will show more respect
for me.

_Kelley Gibbons


  1. Beatiful words but I believe if we accept our family for who they are we would have respect on
    both sides

  2. Branches fall no matter where you go. But show compassion, pick them up so they may grow. Leaves fall and wither just like snakes swarm and slither. But God created them both so maybe we should try to hear his voice when he tells us to love everything and everybody. God never said it would be easy but for some reason he selected us to be family. Maybe he never meant for us to do it alone but for our own reasons we found the excuses to roam. Our family is becoming smaller as we become older. I just hope God has given us enough strength to become bolder . Rumors and gossip is everywhere it is the devils weapon to use upon those who believe. The trees seems to be luring the uncertain in a manner that God tries to protect. Eve ate the apple from the tree and through our wisdom we ignore and select to plant our very own tree
