Today on my mind

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Sacramento, California, United States

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People Underground

I see them sleep and beg for food
trying to get help
while we treat them rude
some want help
while others don't care
but who are we to judge
now don't you dare
People underground is what they're called
depending on your city
if you care at all
if you take time to talk to a few
you'll realize they're just like me and you
so the next time you see them
don't stare with a frown
offer some help to the people underground.

Too Young

So sweet the taste to sour the mood
had to tell him but didn't want to be rude
just over twenty-one in his day in age
but once I met him my whole world changed
hard as a rock but soft to the touch
because of the age
I knew we wouldn't achieve much
much too young couldn't break the rules
but I sure felt like a child in school
we spent some time, had lots of fun
goodbye baby,
you're much too young.

_Kelley Gibbons

Family Tree

There's nothing more precious
than family to me
but the branches are broken
on my family tree
rumors, nosiness and the
gossiping voice
leaves me with only
one choice
to plant and
grow my own tree
and pray this family
will show more respect
for me.

_Kelley Gibbons